You can be anything You want to be. Celebrate the awesomeness of being “YOU” with Meesha Shafi’s from Pepsi Battle of the Bands Season 4 Grand Finale. What better way then to empower any human by refering to the moon, stars, sky and the universe. Who hasn’t looked up to the moon once in a […]
My goals for 21 Day Challenge of Wholesome Living
I have signed up for the #21DayChallenge to make #WholesomeLiving achievable. I have developed #WholesomeLiving challenge goals for myself that lean on four pillars of wellness: 1) Mindset / Mental Health 2) physical fitness 3) healthy eating 4) Time Management and Priortizing 1) MINDSET: I am married to guy, who loves me to the moon […]
Manifest Abundance Mindset for a Successful Life
For absolute happiness, you need to let go of scarcity and live life in abundance. Living life in abundance doesn’t ONLY mean money and success. It means abundance in friendships, relationships, love, fulfillment and joy. It goes beyond money. Your attitudes toward scarcity and abundance in other aspects of your lives greatly influence your success. […]