You can be anything You want to be. Celebrate the awesomeness of being “YOU” with Meesha Shafi’s from Pepsi Battle of the Bands Season 4 Grand Finale.
What better way then to empower any human by refering to the moon, stars, sky and the universe.
Who hasn’t looked up to the moon once in a while and thought of the moon as a loyal companion. I have always been fascinated by the moon; it never leaves, it is always there, watching, steadfast, as if knowing me in my light and dark moments, changing forever just as I do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. It has always been like as if the moon understands what it means to be human.
But here is something I missed all these years, and I realised only after I heard Meesha Shafi’s Leela. It is the fact that no matter how much the moon and the stars seize to amaze us, but what we tend overlook is the fact, its infact the sky that holds the moon and the stars and let’s them shine and do their things all the while not fighting. Not attacking no one. It is the sky that does not worry and does not try to crush others. It is the sky that keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences, it let’s the moon do its thing and lets it pull an entire ocean from shore to shore. It let’s the stars shine in their own special way. It is they sky that is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.
Leela is a must have on your playlist. It is the kind of song that you want to listen on repeat and let it empower you. Meesha Shafi’s Leela is for MEN like a friend of mine, who after having his trust violated his ex-wife, is now struggling to raise his daugheters all on his own.
This is also for a friend who got divorced a year after HER marriage and for the past 7 years she has been fighting legal battle for the custody of her daughter.
This is also for another friend of mine, who until the death of her husbands parents was constantly being emotionally abused and physically assaulted by her husbands parents and with three young boys to raise, she had no choice but to find the resilient side of herself for the sake of her children and stay in the marriage all the while trying to be the perfect happy mother.
Be it girls or boys, Leela is for humans of all ages, who go about defying the norms benchmarked by the society, this is for everyone looking to rebuild their personal strength to stay strong and be their own knight in shinging armour.
Feature Image by Aania Shah Photography
Other Details / Credits:
Music Composed by Sherry Khattak
Lyrics & Melody by Meesha Shafi
Performed and Recorded Live
Mixed by Xulfi @ Xth Harmonic, Lahore.
Audio Mastered by Tom Waltz @ Waltz Mastering, USA.
Associate Music Producer: Sherry Khattak
Music Produced by Xulfi
Drums: Kami Paul
Guitars: Sherry Khattak & Mohsin Shah
Bass: Farhan Ali
Violin: Javed Iqbal
Backing Vocals by Sherry Khattak, Farhan Ali & Kami Paul